The book begins at Massie's house, during William Block's birthday dinner. Todd, Claire's younger brother, spills grape juice on Massie's new skirt, claiming it was an accident. When Massie gets angry, Claire speaks in his defense. Massie retaliates, and soon she and Claire come up with a bet - Massie can't go shopping for a month and Claire can't wear the same outfit for a month; Keds included. The first to fold wears Massie's old winter-wear to school for a week. Massie receives a phone call from Alicia Rivera, who informs her that two girls, Becca Wilder and Liz Goldman, have been suggesting that her social status is declining. Rivera says that they are planning to throw a girl-boy Halloween party to raise their social status. Massie hangs up and returns to the party, where she overhears her mom and Claire's mom talking about how they want Claire and Massie to get along. Then she realizes that this may help her throw the greatest party ever. Block decides to throw a boy-girl Halloween party of her own, so she and her clique can watch as Becca and Liz's social status declines. In order to throw the party, Block figures she needs to make her parents happy so they will agree. She strikes up a deal with Claire: if Claire will help Massie convince her parents to let her throw the party, Massie will help Claire convince her parents to buy a cell phone. Claire recognizes this as a great moment to bump up Massie and her friendship, and Kendra Block agrees to Massie's proposition if Claire co-hosts the party. Massie does not do her share of the deal, and Claire does not get a cell phone. Block tells her clique of her plans to throw a party, and they nastily inform Becca and Liz on their field trip. She plans for their clique to design and wear provocative "Dirty Devil" costumes, but later on Massie's mother forces her to include Claire in the plans. Massie hires a prestigious party planner to assist her, and she instructs Claire to send invitations to the girls whom she considers LBRs (Losers Beyond Repair), including Claire's phone number for RSVPs. After receiving her orders, Claire follows the instructions but decides to include Massie's cell number instead of her phone number and Massie's name. But Block wants the invations to appear to be from Claire to discourage them from attending. As revenge, when Massie brings the "Dirty Devil" costumes to school for her friends to wear, she purposefully does not bring Claire's costume, further alienating Claire. At school, Claire asks Massie why she didn't include her in wearing their costumes to school, and Block replies that she never wanted Claire to be part of their plan. Claire runs to the nurse's office to find consolation, and while she's talking to the nurse, a girl runs in, explaining that while trying to copy Massie's costume, she accidentally cut herself. The nurse realizes other students are also copying Massie and her friends' skimpy costumes and promptly reports to the principal. Massie and her friends are sent to the principal's office where they are lectured about their inappropriate costumes. As their parents are informed, the principal forces them to change into unflattering clothing from the school's Lost and Found. At her Halloween party, Massie is highly excited to see Cam Fisher, the boy she has a crush on. Kristen and Dylan both like Derrick Harrington. However, Kristen's mother does not allow Kristen to attend the party after receiving the phone call from the school, leaving Dylan free to flirt. Alicia meets a girl named Olivia, who returns to OCD after having being absent for much of the semester getting a nose job. Cam meets Claire at the party, unbeknownst to Massie. She likes him and it is assumed that he likes her back. They win a dance contest together and she gives the whole prize to him. When they return to school the following Monday, they find out from Principal Burns that OCD is adopting a uniform policy after the Halloween costume incident. Massie takes refuge from her angry peers in a bathroom stall, thinking they would want revenge. Claire finds her and suggests that she ask to design the new school uniform. The fashion department manager refuses, but agrees to hold a school-wide uniform design contest and have the winner's design made into a uniform. A few days later, while shopping, Dylan and Kristen continue to argue about Derrington. Kristen reveals she is going to practice soccer kicks with him, in exchange that she'll take him to a major league soccer game. Dylan replies that she's sure he'll tell her all about it during their long drive to the city to celebrate Tommy Hilfiger's birthday. Alicia proves that he's just using them both by sending him a message that says that she'll have a hot tub party on Monday at 4:30, the time of Kristen's practice. Harrington says he'll be there. Alicia texts him again saying that she's made a mistake on the time of the party and asks if Wednesday is okay. He says "yes :)", proving he doesn't like Kristen or Dylan and he had been using them. Kristen and Dylan apologize to each other, and begin to plan revenge. The uniform competition begins. Massie and Claire participate, along with many of their classmates. After working for hours, both are finished and happy about their costumes. However, Massie's housekeeper mistakenly disposes of their creations after Claire and Massie put them in trash bags so their creations wouldn't be seen. Claire suggests they restart their projects and work together, announcing if Massie works with her, she will call the bet off. Massie agrees and asks Dylan and Kristen to be their models. Claire finally begins to feel like a member of their clique. At the design contest, the clique finds out that Olivia and Alicia had been working together; their design inspired by Ralph Lauren's Blue Label and including jeans, a tweed blazer, strappy sandals and a necktie used as a belt (an idea stolen from Massie). Massie, Claire, Dylan, and Kristen are last to present. Their uniform comes in four different color schemes designed to flatter the wearer's skin tone and general coloring; their presentation well-received. The two finalists are A&O's design and M&C's design. The audience and participants vote by placing a thimble in the box of the finalist they want to win during intermission. Massie paints her thimble using purple nail polish for good luck. During the second part of the event, Kristen and Dylan smirk as a cell phone rings the tune "pop goes the weasel". The principal searches for the source of the noise, and hear that the sound is coming from Derrington. He claims it is not him, and the phone rings again. The crowd roars with laughter as Derrington's face turns bright red. Kristen and Dylan had taped a cell phone under Derrington's seat during intermission, smiling with pride as he gets in trouble. In the end of the contest, Alicia and Olivia are announced as the winners, and Massie is confused because when she checked during intermission, Massie's clique's box had been heavier. So, Massie inspects the boxes and finds her purple thimble in Alicia and Olivia's box and realizes that Alicia switched the boxes. decides to wait for revenge against them and pounce when the time is right. After the show, MassieMassie finds out Derrington was crushing on her and that he agreed to the plans with Kristen and Dylan because he assumed that Massie would be there. Both Massie's and Claire's family go out for dinner, and Claire receives a note from Cam complimenting her uniform idea, and asking if she liked the CD he sent. Claire decides to show Massie the note later (unaware that Massie likes Cam).

The story starts out with Alicia in dance class with her friend Olivia. She loves jazz class because Massie isn't there, and so Rivera is the most popular and best dancer. After class is over, while everyone is in the locker room rushing to get out, Alicia begins to wonder why she is being bossed around by Massie, and Faux-livia begins to convince her to have her own slumber party at her house. Alicia begins to get tired of everyone being so obsessed with Massie, so she agrees to the sleepover because people can finally realize how great of an alpha Alicia can be. She plans for a sleepover at her house with just her, Olivia, and two other girls from her dance class. However, when she gets home, she has second thoughts about what she has done, so tells Massie in an IM that she cannot carpool with her because of a "doctor's appointment."

The next day at school, while Alicia is getting her books out of her locker and talking to the rest of the clique, Olivia, not knowing it was a secret, comes over and spills out all of Alicia's slumber party plans in front of Massie. Massie gets angry and calls Alicia an EW (Eternal Wannabe). She leaves with Kristen and Dylan, leaving Alicia feeling guilty for wanting attention. She wishes she had never bothered to start her own sleepover, but acts as though she couldn't care less. Massie notices this and is confused as to why Alicia isn't upset after their argument.

Alicia and Olivia won the uniform contest and now are off to meet Lucinda and the rest of the staff at Teen People. Lucinda loves the looks of both girls and offers them a photo shoot near Christmas. Lucinda tells them to get pictures of their other "pretty-in-a-real-way" friends. Alicia is worries that Massie knew that they cheated, but brushes away the thought. Then Lucinda gives them both a Dixon, which she says Avril Lavigne will be breaking in on their cover. Alicia agrees to get pictures of her friends but would rather die than ask Massie. After the interview Alicia calls Massie while she is at the tanning salon with Kristen and Dylan and subtly brags about her modeling offer. Massie decides that the time is right to confront Alicia about cheating in the contest.

Massie's parents decide to transform their barn into a gym. Massie claims the whole thing cost "a million dollars or something", which she explains as cheap. Before the mirrors go up, Massie, Claire, Dylan, and Kristen paint a mural on the walls of the barn, telling Alicia to come over because they need to talk. With the theme being "In with Claire, Out with Alicia" (this is part of Massie's infamous State Of The Union list), they humiliate her and Alicia gets kicked out of the Pretty Committee. After Alicia sees the mural, she runs outside crying. Todd and his little friend Nathan see her and promise to help her by spying on the Pretty Committee. Alicia and Todd strike up a deal leaving Rivera feeling a bit happier, and decides that the next day she will scout the school for more people apart from Olivia (whom she now calls Faux-livia as she bought fake Louis Vuitton scarves) to be in her new clique.

Olivia also plays a small part in helping Alicia get Harris Fisher's phone number from his younger brother, Cam, and also helps Alicia find an "Unbelievably Pretty Committee" by looking for replacements for Dylan and Kristen. Soon Alicia makes a plan to win Dylan and Kristen back to make their own Pretty Committee. Faux-livia proceeds to be part of this group, for which she's very excited.

Meanwhile, Massie still has a crush on Cam, and so does Claire. Cam asks Alicia to talk to Claire for him as he likes her, and she does, in front of Massie. Massie gets so jealous she makes Claire dump Cam, but her excuse was that Cam was an EW of Harris. Todd listens in on a sleepover with Kristen, Dylan and Massie while Claire sneaks off to see Cam (she ends up dumping him face to face). The three girls spill secrets, Massie's being that she used to have a crush on Cam. Todd tells this to Alicia, who tells Claire, who is heartbroken that she was made to dump Cam for no reason, so she begins to ignore Massie and starts hanging out with Alicia. Massie is now on her own as Alicia tells Kristen and Dylan that Massie told her the secrets, not Todd.

However, on the way to the Teen People shoot dinner, Olivia accidentally spills that Todd spied on the sleepover and that he was the one who told Alicia the secrets. Kristen and Dylan quickly apologize to Massie via text messaging. Massie then arrives to the restaurant along with a few guys, including Derrington and Cam. At the dinner, Claire runs to the restrooms crying because she isn't with Cam anymore and she hates Massie, but Massie admits everything to her and they make up, to Alicia's anger. Claire and Cam also make up. Now all Alicia has is Olivia and two other girls who joined her group, Strawberry and Kori who had been replacements for Kristen and Dylan. At the photo shoot, "hell breaks loose" and the girls fight on set. Alicia pulls Massie's beloved crown charm off of her charm bracelet, and when Massie realizes it's gone, she starts to cry. Alicia comforts her then gives it back, remembering she had ripped the bracelet off Massie's writs and stuffed it in her boot. The two become friends again. Alicia gets rid of Kori and Strawberry, but not Faux-livia. Everyone is happy in the last chapter at the annual OCD tree lighting ceremony, until Todd tells Massie something he overheard.The Lyons family is moving to Chicago. Massie pleads Todd not to tell Claire, because "everything is finally perfect."

After an ultra-cool winter vacation, Alicia informs the Pretty Committee that her cousin, Nina Callas, is coming to visit from Spain. Massie has no worries, even though Nina is a year older than her. Last time Massie saw her, Nina was an LBR (Loser Beyond Repair) with "underprocessed and underconditioned hair" and very bad style; a foreign loser. On the night Nina arrives, the Riveras hold a huge party at their mansion where Alicia meets Josh Hotz, who got expelled from another school after pulling the fire alarm before a major test. Massie is scared of seeing Derrick Harrington, because she doesn't know if he still likes her. Harrington went to a skate camp and Massie thought he might have met someone else. Claire, on the other hand, is openly friendly with Cam. When Nina comes, everybody is stunned. She wore a tight, revealing dress, tall boots, a visible thong and dark makeup. Worst thing of all, she has a D-cup bust, which attracted all of the boys' attention. Josh Hotz asked if all girls in Westchester look like her, but Massie misunderstands and thinks he's talking about herself. All the girls in the Pretty Committee dislike her immediately, but Nina manages to gain Kristen's and Dylan's loyalty after a while as she claims to have experience with boys which impresses them. Alicia doesn't mind her so much until she threatens to steal Josh away from her. Massie doesn't like her as she is stealing her limelight as alpha of seventh grade, and Claire doesn't like her because if she did Massie might turn against her. Nina has introduced a bet for who can get a kiss first at the lovestruck dance, and Claire turns down the bet but Kristen and Dylan agree. Massie is continuously unfriendly so Nina steals Josh, Cam, and Derrington. The girls at school are soon worshiping her: following her fashion sense and asking her for boy advice. They plot against her to bring her down, following Claire's plan, Operation Toe Jam, which ends disastrously. They find out that Nina is lying about her shoe size and wonder if it has anything connected to why her sister is always ringing her, or why things have been going missing in school. Meanwhile, Claire's brother, Todd, has spy gear that they manage to clip onto Nina's bag but she drops it in the boy's locker room, which they go into as it is the only lead they have. In the locker room, there is a pink locker with a bike lock that looks like Kristen's, so they try her combination (David Beckham's birthday) and it opens. The girls soon find out that it was Josh's locker, determined by Alicia, with his Polo cologne and Ralph Lauren blazer. Nina stole the girls' crushes and possessions, putting a fake "Spanish soccer spell" on their the boys. She claimed if Josh, Derrington, and Cam have any interaction with the Alicia, Massie, or Claire they will lose their big soccer game. Of course, the boys believed the overexposed Nina because they were desperate to win. Alicia was blessed by getting a job hosting a "talk show" over the OCD intercom (at the end of Revenge of the Wannabes), while Massie struggles for power against Nina, whom everyone is choosing over Massie, while Dylan gets over a bad bout of the flu for the Lovestruck Dance. While half of the Pretty Committee are single, that doesn't mean they won't have fun. Dylan and Kristen are up for the match of who could get their first kiss first (in which neither succeed), and Claire, Massie, and Alicia plan to get their guys back - and better yet - destroy Nina. After the dance, when Nina was sent packing for stealing students' items, Alicia and Josh make up at the dance, and Massie and Derrington make up at an upcoming soccer match. Claire and Cam are the only couple that don't make up. Claire kisses Josh Hotz because she is so hurt and vulnerable because Cam ditched her for Nina. Cam sees the kiss, and runs away before she can explain.

The Pretty Committee Strikes Back is the fifth novel of The Clique series by Lisi Harrison, in which Massie Block, Claire Lyons, Alicia Rivera and Dylan Marvil go on a school trip to Lake Placid, New York, which is in the Adirondack Mountains. The book opens with Massie and the rest of the Pretty Committee in geography class at OCD. Mr. Myners, the eccentric teacher, is blabbering on about topography, a topic that captures the interests of few. Massie zones out, and starts thinking about Derrick Harrington, the alpha and popular star goalie for the Tomahawks, the Briarwood Academy soccer team. But when Mr. Myners mentions the upcoming trip to Lake Placid, everyone's attention is now in the his hands. Despite his attempts to say that they will be "hunting for education" it's the exact opposite, hunting for boys. It's after class, when Kristen, who is rather poor, confesses she can't go on the trip for financial purposes, and that she'll stay behind and shop at the President's Weekend Sales. Hastily, Dylan, Alicia, and Massie offer to pay, but Kristen still does not accept the offer. Massie then offers to have a packing party the night before the trip, to which, of course, everyone says yes. Kristen, now feeling left out, decides she will try to raise the money to be able to go on the trip. Massie offers to help her with her plan, but when Kristen says she can, it turns out her offer was as faux as Olivia's nose. Later, in the Block's Range Rover, Massie decides to help Kristen with her scheme and open MUCK - Massie's Underground Clinic for Kissing. But what would happen if her "students" found out about her inexperience with kissing? In the end, Massie gets her first real kiss from Derrington (with the MUCK girls watching), and Claire gets her first kiss from Cam. Although all of TPC gets expelled at the end for going in the woods after they were told not to. Kristen was begging for them to forgive her and her face was purple from crying so hard. While Kristen was begging Derrington handed Massie some wild flowers, she smelled them then announced to her public that they have been expelled.

The clique gone wild

Massie Block: The girls of Octavian Country Day pack up their warmest cashmere coats and their tiniest iPods and boards the bus for a Presidents' Day class trip to Lake Placid. But bears aren't the only scary thing out in those woods. The Briarwood Boys are staying in a cabin just a few yards away, which means the girls in Massie's Underground Clinic for Kissing (M.U.C.K) might have to find the guts to their money where their well-glossed mouths are. Kristen Gregory: Can't afford to go on the trip. Will she rot in Westchester all alone? Not likely! Dylan Marvil: Finally skinny after a bad bout of the flu. Will stay skinny when she sees her mom smooching it up with her history teacher. Cause that's enough to make anyone yak! Alicia Rivera: Knows her crush, Josh Hotz, has hus eye on someone. But who? Alicia's the hottest girl at OCD. So he must like her ... right? Claire Lyons: Gets a crazy haircut and a bloodthirsty new enemy, but none of this matter since Cam has taken his hearts (and his gummies) away from her. She'll do whatever it takes to get him back...

Dial L For Loser is the sixth novel in The Clique Series written by Lisi Harrison. It was released in August 2006. Merri-Lee Marvil scores for her daughter and the rest of TPC, tickets to The Daily Grind. Abby Boyd and Hadley Durk are revealed to do an interview together, something that hasn't happened since Abby stole Hadley's boyfriend. This obviously insures TPC's excitement. Backstage, Dylan tells TPC a confidential secret in the bathroom, Abby has been hooking up with Hadley's boyfriend for the past few weeks. But unfortunately, Merri Lee Marvil's annoying co-host had her microphone on in the bathroom. This results in the entire audience hearing the secret, including Abby and Hadley. After a gruesome catfight, Hadley quits Dial L for Loser. This leaves the film one actress short and one empty spot for the coveted "loser" of the movie. The director, Rupert Mann, borrowed Massie's cellphone and insisted Massie, Alicia, Claire and Kristen fly out to L.A. to try out for Hadley's role. Dylan, being the one to spread the gossip about Abby and Hadley, is excluded from this invitation. Kristen, having strict parents, isn't permitted to attend the audition, leaving Massie, Claire, and Alicia for the role. Massie, positive that she is sure to receive the part, is turned down because of her overconfidence. Alicia is also turned down because of her beauty and that she couldn't possibly play a loser. To everyone's surprise, Claire is the one to receive the part. This drives Massie and Alica into a silent rage of jealousy. To their delight, they receive jobs as "Behind the Scenes Reporters."

Goodbye Westchester, hello Hollywood!

Massie Block: The Pretty Committee is this close to begging Principal Burns to readmit them into OCD when the movie director Rupert Mann invites the girls to audition for his new teen Blockbluster - Dial L for Loser. Massie packs her straight-leg velvet sevens, ties her new hair extensions into a high pony, and heads off to L.A with her friends, on the studio's ah-mazing private jet. But when they arrive, everyone starts treating Claire like she's the star. Dial W for What The ...?!Kristen Gregory: Parents have her grounded in Westchester while her friends are off glamming it up. But so what? She has the Brairwood boys to keep her company, including certain people's crushes ... Alicia Rivera: Doing the morning announcement at OCD was great preparation for her latest gig - being a movie-set correspondent on The Daily Grind. Dylan Marvil: On a new all-bran diet. Good thing she wasn't invited to L.A since she needs to spend most of her time running to the bathroom. Claire Lyons: Snags a starring role. Befriends a hot teen starlet. Is invited into a world of extreme fabulousness - she goes to glitzy parties, get her picture in lots of magazines, and receive dozens of free pairs of Keds. She's living the dream! But what happens when Cam catches Claire kissing a hollywood hottie?

The day before the Pretty Committee goes back to OCD after being expelled, they receive a CD in a gold envelope from alpha eighth-grader Skye Hamilton, telling them about a rumored "key" that can open the legendary secret, a forgotten room on the OCD campus. Usually, the seventh grade alpha automatically gets the key, but since it is the fifth anniversary of the Room, Skye decides that whoever finds the key will receive the total and complete power of the room. If the Pretty Committee doesn't get the key, some LBR will get it and it would be social suicide. Skye hides the key under an unknown Briarwood boy's mattress, the only clue being a poem, that states: "The boy who sleeps atop the key is into the exact same things as me. He loves all creatures, big and small so his age doesn't matter, not at all. I try not to think about his glamour-don't style by focusing on his kick-butt smile. Note to self: I've kissed this guy, but I've kissed them all - how bad am I? We've already rode off in the sunset together but next time we do, it'll be forever.Holla!"

On the first day back, the Pretty Committee is bombarded with fans. Kristen is the only one free to go, causing her to become jealous. Because of being late, Massie, Alicia, Claire, and Dylan go to the office for a pass. Claire focuses on her list that she made, stating the reasons she would like to move to California, and the reasons she wouldn't. During lunch, Alicia compiles a list of Briarwood boys Skye has kissed and delivers all the names that her source told her to Massie. Massie finds out that Derrington, her boyfriend, is one of them, and that Alicia's crush, Josh, is also one of them. After school, the Pretty Committee head to the chapel to discuss the key. While there, Massie convinces Claire to call Cam and ask him if they can go to his house, so that they can check his brother Harris Fisher's mattress. Cam can't have them come over the current day, and Claire has a meeting the next day, but instead lying to Massie that Cam's uncle is visiting. Claire heads to Manhattan for a meeting with her agent, saying that she had an offer to star in a film directed by Bernard Sinrod, who is a bigshot actor about a runaway teen who meets a prince and falls in love with him. Her agent says she will need choppy black hair and a unibrow for the audition. The chapter leaves off with Miles asking Claire what it's gonna be. The next chapter starts as Claire wearing knockoff sunglasses and a hat, then going into the GLU Headquarters, which is Massie's horseshed turned spa. Once there, no one questions Claire about how her meeting went. Instead, they hand her a packet with all the guys that Skye had kissed and why they might have the key. Finally, Claire suggests that they move Cam's house to Monday instead of Friday. Massie gets upset, asking why. Claire admits she has an audition then whips off her hat, revealing black hair and a thick, coarse unibrow. The next day, the Pretty Committee all have missions to go to a boy that Skye has kissed's house. Massie to Derrington, Alicia to Josh Hotz, and so on and so on. When Massie goes to Derrington's room, she finds out that he is a pig. Alicia finds out that Josh is a neat freak. While going to Cam's house without Claire, Massie discovers that Cam's uncle didn't visit, and Claire was lying so that they wouldn't go without her. Massie gets upset that Claire almost sabotaged the Pretty Committee and kicks her out of the Pretty Committee. Claire and Layne figure out that the key is under Chris Abeley (Layne's brother)'s mattress, and get it. After Layne and goes to a conference with the Pretty Committee, she uses the key to get Claire back into the Pretty Committee. The story ends with Skye and the DSL Daters unlocking the door to the secret room for the Pretty Committee, who are left speechless. This leaves you wondering, since Lisi Harrison doesn't describe it. It ends with Skye opening the door, and the Pretty Committee gasping- but no one could say anything.


This book starts right where the last left off, in the secret room. Skye and the other DSL Daters play a trick on the girls before showing the Pretty Committee a secret of the room that could change their social lives and understand boys in Briarwood to the fullest. WERDD ARLENY U READIN DIS SHIT? OHHH SHITT LMFAOOO IM BOREDD AS FUCCC PENIS PENIS PENIS PENIS GEORGE BUSH SUCCS NUTS WERDDDD OKK BACC 2 AIMM The Pretty Committee gets an automatic invite to Skye's "Famous Couples" party, but if they fail to come with dates, their reputations would be at stake. Massie and Claire already have boyfriends, so that's easy for them. According to ESP (Emotional Sensitivity Powwows), Massie realizes that maybe Derrington doesn't like her, since the other boys mention that he has an issue with Massie. Kristen has her eye out for Griffin, a sensitive boy who likes to read and dresses goth. Dylan discovers Chris Plovert and Kemp Hurley like her, calling her 'Marvil-ous'. Alicia's after Josh, like she has been since he first came to Briarwood. Claire Lyons, finally loving to share something in common with Massie and be on the envious side of things, decides to show the Pretty Committee how to flirt. However, things get too far and Cam mistrusts her because when she was showing TPC how to flirt, for obvious reasons, she made Cam chase her to the girl's bathroom. When she got in, she dug throughout Cam's book bag, finding his journal. She skims through it, reading some chats with a mysterious girl named Nikki. She starts to think twice about their relationship. Cam pounds on the girls' bathroom door, telling Claire to come out, and give back his backpack because he was hiding a gift from her. Claire mistook it as he didn't want her to see the Nikki Chats. The "Share Bear" is a hidden camera the boys from Briarwood have in ESP. Whoever has the "Share Bear" speaks. Right when Cam was about to confess about Nikki, the TV goes black and blank. Massie gets Layne to help fix up the camera, not sure what's wrong with it. They sneak in Briarwood, and Layne accidentally drills a hole by a pipe, claiming it was "runoff" from pre-war buildings. Kristen finds out that the batteries ran out, so they shoved in new batteries, sneaking out of Briarwood. Later on, Massie and Skye make a deal that if Massie gets Chris to like Skye AND talk her to the "Famous Couple" party, the ESP Room will belong to TPC before next year. If not, they'll lose the room forever, and that is not an option! As Massie is trying to get Chris Abeley to like Skye, she has to hang out with him 24/7, making Derrington jealous and making Chris like her. After getting to know him all over again, Massie's crush comes on him is back. He texts her if she wants to go to a horse show that night, and she texted back that she was going to Skye's party and asked him if he wanted to come as her date. He said yes, while Massie thought this was a good opportunity to play cupid. A few seconds later, Derrington asks Massie to the party, she agrees. Chris and Massie go as Romeo and Juliet. Derrington and Massie go as David and Victoria Beckham.

Meanwhile, Cam and Claire and still silently fighting. They finally confront each other in the bathroom at the party. Things get ugly when Cam gives Claire a framed picture of them and Claire blurts out about Nikki (a girl who likes Cam) and Cam walks out on her. Kemp Hurley and Chris Plovert break up with Dylan because they are sick of her eating and burping and farting and complain that "its like hanging out with Shrek". We also find out that Derrington's problem with Massie is her immaturity, but she claims he is. Derrington dumps Massie because he thinks that she likes Chris Abeley. Kristen discovers that Griffin only fakes being "emotional and deep" to get good grades in ESP. Only Josh and Alicia get along and end up enjoying themselves. At the assembly at OCD, Principal Burns explains that 250 thousand gallons of water from the wave pool atop Briarwood crushed the building, because the water from the pipes leaked. The Pretty Committee and Layne obviously know why this happened. Principal Burns tells them that Briarwood students will be staying at OCD for the coming school year. At the moment she said this, all Briarwood students came pouring in the auditorium. When they come pouring in, Massie realizes the new alphas are the boys, not her. Boys are now the new alpha, while they become OUT and the new LBRs (Losers Beyond Repair). Massie decides that TPC will be going on a boy fast, not thinking about boys, flirting, etc. Alicia hesitates because of Josh, but in the end going with TNPC(the new pretty committee).

Apparently (from what I heard), Olivia and Cam get together, and Massie catches Alicia and Derrington (who starts to wear jeans.. AAHHH!!) making-out. Here's a summary from Barnes and Noble:

"New Year. New Pretty Committee. New LBRs?

Massie Block: The Briarwood boys have invaded OCD and are taking over everything. Worse, the soccer boys have become so popular that the Pretty Committee's alpha status is in serious jeopardy. So Massie lays out a New Year-New Pretty Committee rule: Anyone caught crushing on a boy will be thrown out of the NPC -- forever. But will she be able to follow her own decree when she sees that Derrington has ditched his shorts-obsession in favor of ah-dorable jeans?

Alicia Rivera: Is the opposite of onboard with the boyfast. Her crush, the Ralph Lauren-luh-ving Josh Hotz, is more irresistible than the creme brulee fro-yo. But is he worth losing her spot in the NPC? And taking on the wrath of Massie?

Dylan Marvil: Is so ready for the boyfast. She's straightened her unruly red hair and premanently pressed boys out of her life. If only she could do the same with curly fries and caramel popcorn.

Kristen Gregory: Has traded her sporty-chic Pumas for Billabong board shorts and a shark tooth necklace. She claims she's sworn off boy-crushes, so what's with her Blue Crush makeover?

Claire Lyons: Spent all summer thinking about Cam's one blue eye and one green eye. But now he's moved on to a new girl faster than you can say cuh-yutest couple. At least Claire finally has a secure spot in the NPC -- unless jealosy-flirting breaks the boyfast....

The Clique...the only thing harder than getting in is staying in."

PC is out. MAC is in.

Massie Block: After disbanding the Pretty Committee, Massie takes charge like Vise, forming OCD's hawtest clique yet: Massie And Crew. Even though money can't buy love, it can buy best friends... or at least model-actresses who will act like your besties until you get real ones. Lights, Camera, MACtion!

Alicia Rivera: Hearts her new role as alpha of the Soul-M8's, BOCD's first ever girl-boy clique. But when the boys head back to the newly renovated Briarwood Academy, will the remaining Soul-M8's become 4Squares?

Dylan Marvil: Is happy times ten to finally have a crush who's crushing back, especially since they luh-v all the same things: marshmallows, lip-kissing, and chugging Red Bull. Buuuuuuuuuuuuurp!

Kristen Gregory: Scored three goals on the soccer field last week- and Massie's crush.... which earned her an ejection from her ex-BFF's heart. Can Massie forgive and forget, or is Kristen out of the game forever?

Claire Lyons: Has declared herself neutral in the battle of the cliques. But dividing her time between Massie, the Soul-M8s, and Cam has left her stretched thinner than extra-small Spanx. Can she get her friends to reunite, or will she be forced to pick a side once and for all?

The Clique.....the only thing harder than getting in is staying in.

Massie gets BE-yoo-tiful: After getting thrown out of horse camp, Massie's parents force her to take on a summer job. Not one to walk strangers' dogs or babysit, Massie stumbles upon the perfect position while flipping through Teen Vogue poolside-she'll be a sales rep for be pretty, the high-end cosmetics brand that preaches beauty on the inside and outside. Whatevs! But will her tell-it-as-it-is sales pitch land her at the top of the company, or out on her Gucci-clad patootie for the second time this summer?

The book starts when Massie Block is getting ready for Galwaugh Farms' horseback riding competition, JACC (Jump and Canter Competition). After winning this contest for six years, Massie's hopes should be high - but with Selma Gallman a.k.a Fall-a Abdul on her team, things are looking low. In fear of losing, Massie super glues Selma onto her saddle, but gets caught. Selma is actually a Galwaugh, her grandfather owns the whole farms. To get punished, Massie is kicked out of Galwaugh Farms.

As a punishment for her horrible sportsmanships; Massie's parents, William Block and Kendra Block cancel her credit cards until she can pay them back for the cost the riding camp, forcing Massie to get a summer job so that she can earn back her credit card privileges. Not wanting to get an LBR summer job, Massie becomes a makeup salesgirl for the Be Pretty Cosmetics owned by Anastasia Brees so that she can get the sacred purple hair streak if she sells enough merchandise.

After learning that making over LBRS is harder than she thought, Massie uses a negative sales tactic to get her customers attention by telling them how truly horrible they look, so that they buy Be Pretty Cosmetics. Even though this is a sly and mean method, it works, and she soon becomes Be Pretty's highest seller. Since she did so well, a ceremony is held for Massie, but Anastasia is horrified at Massie's negative methods. At the end, Massie steals Anastasia's purple hair pen, and gives herself what in her view "deserves".

Her mom, Merry-Lee, and Dylan are going to Hawaii because her mom got this interview with a Tennis player who had a tantrum and had been in a hospital for several years and she finally gets out....Then, Dylan meet sthis guy, T.J., and she likes him, but he likes the tennis player, (her name is unpronounsable and I can't spell it) so she goes to talk to the tennis player, but then, the tennis player starts hitting and pinching Dylan because she obviosuly is still angry...Then, Dylan gets all of this in her iPhone and shows it to the tennis player....She tells her that she will send it to her mom and her career will be over (the tennis player's)...the tennis player begs her not to and she makes a deal with Dylan...she will teach Dylan how to play tennis and how to be like her so she can impress T.J., and she will then in one week after Dylan has learned a little about tennis, she will have a match with Dylan and T.J. will be there and Dylan will pretend to win....But, as it turns out, the tennis player has something planned out with T.J. and during the match she starts really playing and Dylan ends up losing...Then, during a real match in the tournament where The Tennis Player is playing (I think it's the final or something), Dylan signs up to be the ball girl so she can get back at The Tennis Player...during the game, she starts complimenting the Tennis Player ( she hates compliments and gets really mad if she gets them) and Dyland makes her lose....After that, The Tennis PLayer starts trhwoing balls at Dylan and The Tennis Player goes back to the hospital....Then, Dylan is saved by the guy who was playing against the Tennis Player, his name is Brady ( I think) and she likes him and he likes her, too...and then at the very end, The Tennis player's lawyer makes her sign a contract so that she won't gossip about her ( That's why when Dylan goes back to Westchester in Bratfest at Tiffany's, Massie begs her to gossip but she can't)

Alicia takes on Mission Spalfa: Spanish Alpha!Back in Spain to visit her relatives, Alicia discovers that Spain's newest pop sensation -Ignacio! is searching for a true Spanish beauty to star in his new hit-single video. She can't believe her luck! If Alicia is cast as a true Spanish beauty, Massie will never call her fake-Spanish again. The only trick: She'll have to beat her super-bonita cousins to win the coveted spot. Adios, bimbos!

Alicia goes to Spain for the summer where she sees lots of people taking a picture with a cardboard picture of a person name !i!. She sees her sixteen year old twin cousins, Isobel and Cecilia and agrees that they could borrow her closet. Then she sees her cousin Nina Callas who now has a platinum Dora the Explorer bob. Nina rolls Alicia's luggage into poo. When she arrives at the house, she realizes that she'll have to share a room with Nina. Later, she and her cousins go to a party (GR Girls) for !i!. Of course, no one actually sees him. Isobel and Cecilia are GR Girls and have a suite. But on the elevator, Nina nudges Alicia out and the twins push Nina out leaving them there. At the party, Alicia sees a British guy. And then she notices that Nina was wearing her earrings that were stolen and they get into a fight, breaking a statue. Because of the statue, they have to work.

Kristen sets sail on the Love Boat... With the rest of the Pretty Committee scattered across the globe, Kristen is stuck in Westchester. No sleepover horse camp, no Hawaiian spa, no Spanish vacation, not even a trip to Orlando. But when Kristen scores a job looking after hang-ten hottie Dune Baxter's eight-year-old sister, Ripple, Westchester suddenly doesn't seem so bad. It looks like Kristen is about to ride the wave of first love. . . .

Kristen is stuck in Westchester for the summer. She has a job of tutoring Ripple Baxter. While she is 'babysitting', she falls for Ripple's older brother, a surfing and skating boy named Dune. She decides to give Ripple what she wants (which is to be like Massie) so that she can get closer to Dune. But 8th grade alpha Skye Hamilton also has her eye on him, and what chance does she have with her around? She forms the 'Witty Committee' with LBRs Massie would never approve of, including Claire's friend Layne Abeley. Ripple ditches Kristen for Skye. The Witty Committee goes to a top plan. Skye invites Dune to a club where she plans to lip-kiss him. Kristen and the Witty Committee fills the pool with jello and Skye gets angry. Dune and Kristen later admit their feelings and Dune reveals he will be leaving.

Will Claire's Florida BFFs become former BFFs? Back in Orlando for the summer, Claire is reunited with her Florida best friends, Sarah, Sari, and Mandy, after a long year apart. Her FBFs haven't changed at all. Too bad they think Claire has changed . . . and not for the better. Claire sets out to prove her loyalty by entering Kissimmee's Miss Kiss pageant. But when a very special visitor shows up and vows to win the crown, Claire finds herself torn between Keds and couture. Will Claire finally kiss-immee her past goodbye-once and for all?

When Claire Lyons' friends go to luxurious places for vacation, she goes back to Kissimmee, Florida. Which is great for Claire, because she gets to meet her old friends again. But when Massie makes a suprise visit, Claire has to chose between her old friends, and her new friends.

Ehmagawd, the boy fast is officially over! After the going through the humiliation of staying in trailers for a couple of weeks, Massie, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire are back at BOCD. Will Massie go after Dempsey? Will Claire ever get back together with Cam? Will Kristen ever snag a guy? Will Dylan ever get a guy to hold onto? How will Josh and Alicia get through this? Junior Prom is coming up and everyone is aiming to win the Cutest Couple award.

A/N: I do not own the Clique. Lisi Harrison does. The title PS: I Loathe you is supposedly the next clique book.
Massie Block: Ehmagawd, the boyfast is officially declared done, done, done, done, and DONE. After breaking her own boyfast law once she developed a crush on Dempsey, she decided to call if off. Plus, what’s the Pretty Committee, without the Spanish beauty as beta? Now that Massie, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire are back into the halls of BOCD, they are looking for dates to go to Junior Prom with. Seeing Derrington hook up with one of the new girls has caused Massie to declare war on him. But what if she actually misses Derrington but doesn’t want to admit it? It’s bad to use people, but Massie is willing to do anything to a.) win the cutest couple award and b.) make Derrington jealous. But, not exactly in that order.

Alicia Rivera: Is back in the Pretty Committee and is glad that she and Josh are an official couple. She constantly wears the pink NYY hat that Josh gave her everyday to show how much she cares. Even though her friends think its ridiculous, she tries to find a different way to wear it each day. (Lots of different hairstyles.) She and Josh are determined to win the Cutest Couple award at Junior Prom. Will she even want to go to Junior Prom with Josh once she finds out that he’s been spying on the girls’ ESP class?

Claire Lyons: Is glad to know that Cam wants her back and has dumped Duh-livia Ryan. But, she’s not sure whether she should forgive him or not. She vents out all of her feelings during her ESP class and starts to let go everything that has happened in the past few months and start anew. She was planning on asking Cam to the Junior Prom, but she’s not so sure once she finds out that he’s been spying on her ESP classes.

Kristen Gregory: Kristen is glad that she is now back at BOCD and even gladder that the boy-fast is over. Four new kids have transferred to BOCD and she makes friends with them easily. She’s over Dune Baxter but is now into Nic Strong; skater, surfer, and hawt. Because of her being into sports, they have a lot of things in common. He seems to be interested in her too. Now, she’s trying to think of a plan to get him to go to the Junior Prom with him. That shouldn’t be so hard. It kind of is if your crush hardly ever talks.

Dylan Marvil: Dylan is glad that the boy-fast is over, but she doesn’t have any guy to turn to. Ever since she gained ten pounds by trying to impress Chris and Kemp (five pounds each) she’s decided to stop acting like Shrek. But once the new kids come around, she’s got her eyes set on Tristan Strong. Like his fraternal twin brother Nic, he’s a skater, a surfer and all around down to earth guy. She’s going to have to be even more Marvilous than she is to catch his eye, especially if she wants to go with him as a date to the Junior Prom.

Derrick Herrington: Is planning on how to get back at Massie for everything that’s happened since Skye’s party. The two of them are constantly fighting. Once Derrick sees Massie interested in none other than Dempsey, he gets jealous. Two can play that game. To get back at Massie, he starts hanging out with one of the new girls at school. All’s fair in love and war. And this is World War 3.

Cam Fisher: Wants Claire back and will do anything to get her to forgive him. The Junior Prom is coming up and he is trying to get her to go as his date. How will he show her that he cares about her and is sorry for everything that happened? Once he finds out that the girls are getting an ESP class, he decides to follow Derrick with his plan to spy on the girls. Will this drive Claire away from him even more or will she understand and get back together with him?

Josh Hotz: Is glad that his girlfriend is back with The Pretty Committee. Yup, Alicia and Josh are now an official couple. He’s especially glad that she continues to wear the pink NYY hat he gave her, even though her friends think it’s ridiculous. He and Alicia are dubbed ‘cutest couple’ at BOCD and they plan on winning the Cutest Couple award at Junior Prom. To figure out how to be Alicia’s perfect Junior Prom date, he helps the guys hide a camera in the girl’s ESP room and listen in. Will this be a turn on for Alicia or a turn off?

Tristan Strong: Has just transferred to BOCD from a school in Miami, Florida with his twin brother and two childhood friends. He’s already got lots of girls chasing after him but decides to spend his time with Derrick and his friends, and occasionally hang out the Pretty Committee at school functions. They all think he’s pretty cool, but they won’t think that once they see where he has to live everyday. Ehmagawd, can you say orphanage? Things seem to be going smoothly between him and Kristen. Following along in the guys’ plan to spy on the girl’s ESP classes, he finds that he is stuck deciding between two girls to take to Junior Prom. A lot of people think he’s shy. But that’s not the case. He’s mute. . .

Nic Strong: Has just transferred to BOCD from a school in Florida with his twin brother and two childhood friends. Even though he misses the surfing, he spends his free time skating and playing on the soccer team. Here he becomes friends with Derrick Harrington and meets the Pretty Committee through a school function. Junior Prom is coming up and he’s thinking of not going. He’s poor! How’s he going to get a tux and everything for his perfect night? Maybe hanging out with Dylan will earn him a few points.

Riley Jackson: Riley is surprised to see how everyone is acting at BOCD. Not everybody acted lame around each other back in Miami. Life was so much easier there. Now that she’s joined the soccer team, she, her twin sister, and Kristen are getting along great. Between the Pretty Committee and the Briarwood boys, she’s stuck in the middle of Massie and Derrick’s fights. While this happens, she’s busy fighting against Dylan to snag the guy she likes, her childhood friend Nic Strong. She doesn’t stand a chance. I dunno, if you fight with fire, you’ll get burned and Riley is your all around pyro.

Rhuben Jackson: Rhuben is surprised to see how much everyone cares about what they look like. Ignoring the Pretty Committee’s jibes about the clothes she wears, she hangs out with the Briarwood boys and is now the envy of every boy-crushing girl out there. She’s immediately dragged into Massie and Derrick’s fights and is annoyed to death. To help Derrick out, she decides to hang out with him and try to make Massie jealous. She has no feelings for Derrick at all, she has feelings for the boy that is currently attracted to Kristen. . .
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